Monday 18 February 2013

Lovely feedback

Lovely letter to the Torbay Times Newspaper, which we found in today's issue, about our recent charity performance (in January)

Monday 11 February 2013

Charity news...

Our charity show of A Medieval Christmas 1285, back in January, for Anode via the Torquay Rotary Club, raised £300. Anode is a local Torbay charity which helps local people in tough times, with things like foodbanks , school uniforms, befriending etc. :)

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Resurrection Bob latest, Les Mis show date changes, volunteers needed,...

Resurrection Bob is almost fully cast, we are still looking for someone to play the dashing naval officer Davies, for the final scene, and rehearsals are underway, with show venues being booked in the next seven days. We have a fantastic cast, with a mixture of old and new faces.

The planned show dates for Les Miserables:The Memoirs of Jean Valjean have changed - we were going to be performing over the third weekend of August, however, we have had to change the dates to Sept 6th, 7th, 8th, (along with a possible on Sept 5th). Show venues are planned to be Brixham, Paignton, and Torquay, and enquiries are being made into performing in Dartmouth as well.

With these two shows running, and the group growing, we are looking for volunteers to help with backstage duties; which have previously been performed by cast members - but with these two shows, especially Les Miserables, we really need to look at finding people who would be able to help with these duties as a dedicated role. We are looking for set-builders, stage hands, front of house (front desk, audience refreshments, greeting audience etc), and makeup people. a full list is on our website at . So if you have those skills to offer, and would like to develop them, get references for jobseeking or college, with a lively friendly theatre group, please get in touch!